Now booking bluebell photoshoots for April 2020. Photo sessions in the bluebells are always stunning! There are lots of woods and beautiful spots in and around St Albans! No bluebells are harmed during my shoots.
Children love running along the little paths and climbing on fallen leaves. I always go to lengths to explain to the families the important of not squashing the bluebells. In case you don’t know – and lots of people it seems still don’t – it can prevent the bluebells regrowing again in the spot where they have been trampled. So we should all take care in the woods if we want to share this lovely sight and revisit another year. I’m now taking bookings for Bluebell Mini Photo Shoots in St Albans and the surrounding area. These sessions are around 30 minutes long, perfect for families with small children or teenagers. We will have a pre-shoot consultation to plan the photo shoot and discuss what to wear and what to bring. You will then receive a password for a online gallery on my website so you can view the selection of shots. The shoot includes five digital images and one 8×10 print of your choice. Early morning sun and evening golden hour are the best times of day.  Where possible we will try for these times to make the most of the light at this time of year. There is also a choice of locations. I have my favourite spots but of course you may have your own suggestion! Looking forward to hearing from you soon! please get in touch as soon as possible. I only have a few slots remaining! Bluebells photoshoots now booking. Contact me Take a look at my bluebell video on my Blog page #bluebellphotoshoot#stalbansphotographer #stalbansmums#stalbanslife #stalbansbusinesses#harpendenmums #harpendenphotographer#harpendenparents — in Saint Albans.